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  • nsohtanihdam

Getting More Insights

Updated: May 18, 2020

In this post, I share with you all various designs which displays various patterns in the US traffic dataset. Designs in this post will later be combined to provide more interactive and detailed plots. Questions such as the average duration of accidents per state, the relationship between the various weather conditions with traffic distance and duration. Various channels will be used to bring out these patterns.


The heat map above gives the count of traffic accidents per hour per month in the United States. The plot illustrates higher traffic counts in the month of October especially between the hours of 16:00 to 18:00. Other high traffic accident counts were recorded at 9:00 in the months of November and December.

The plot above plots the duration of traffic accidents versus the distance of the traffic accident per weather condition and the plot below shows the counts of accidents based on the weather condition .The plot above is linked to the plot below by selecting an interval. The plot allows the viewer to be able to select an interval on the plot above and get the counts of records based on the weather condition(due to technical difficulties it was not possible).

The plot also illustrates that traffic accidents occur mostly in the fair weather conditions.

Furthermore in my upcoming post, I plan to go deeper into this plot to find out various relationships related to the weather conditions, average duration of accidents for every weather condition, average distance of accidents for every weather condition and which hour has the longest accident duration and with what type of weather.


This plot contains bars which illustrates the count of traffic accidents per month of the year. Each bar is then subdivided based on the counts of weather conditions. For example the month of December has close to 450 counts of traffic accidents with the fair weather condition mostly dominating.

In my next post I will go a step further to add text to the bars which gives the exact number of counts and also and some linking. Furthermore i will be able to link this plot to other charts which will give deeper characteristics of the traffic scenario based on the weather.


This plot brings to light the distribution of the counts of traffic accidents based on weather conditions. Similar to the plot above , but this plots uses the area to show the relationship between the various weather conditions per hour. For example looking at the fair weather distribution, the counts of accidents increases rapidly form the 4:00 o'clock mark still the end of the day.


The plot above uses the size of the circles to represent the average traffic distance per hour for every month. The circles are in multiples of five with the biggest circle being 20(largest average traffic distance was about 20). Twelve different colors are used to represent the various months. Empty circles in the above data is due to missing values for that hour and month.


This plot shows the trend in the average traffic duration (in minutes) and average traffic distance on two different vertical axes. Similarities can be observed in the trends of average distance and average duration of accidents.The plot illustrates a rapid increase in average distance of traffic accident in the month of February and a sharp decrease and later a fluctuating trend in the average distance per month. It is also noticed that every month, the average duration of accident is always higher than the average distance of the accident. In my next post, further explorations will give more details about the duration and distance per hour while linking to various ideas.


In this plot , I look into the traffic trend in terms of duration for the various years. The trend in traffic duration for 2016 and 207 are similar but the trend for 2019 is similar to the rest.However general increases in traffic duration is observed between the hours of 9:00 to 18:00 across all the years.


A spaghetti plot showing the average duration (in mins) for traffic accident per weather.

A closer look at the various lines shows that when it is thunderous between 20:00 to 23:00, the duration of accidents increases steadily and there are not accidents between 00:00 still 5:00 when it is thunderous.

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